Wednesday, June 2, 2010

USS Monitor--Hatteras Wreck Site as Seen from Space

By Jim Field

I came across this photograph (below) on NOAA's "Ocean Sanctuary" site--the Monitor and its resting place are one of perhaps six designated US national ocean sanctuaries. (Suggests we don't have many of these--we should have hundreds!). Recall that I had written a previous post on the USS Monitor describing its sinking and displaying photographs of its remains. Today's photo, as denoted by the caption, was taken by the Apollo 9 spacecraft.

Diamond Shoals buoy would not be too far from the superimposed location marker. And Hatteras Inlet is NNW of the "M" on the word Monitor. What appears to be a white outline of the narrow finger of land--resting between the ocean and bay--is actually the sandy beaches and surf action.

And, oh yes, studying the photo, something else comes to mind--don't we fish in a beautiful and unique place? The Outer Banks is simply phenomenal.

The Outer Banks of North Carolina from space showing the approximate position of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. This photo was taken by the Apollo 9 astronauts 3/12/69, during their 136th orbit of Earth. (photo: NASA)

Apollo 9 crew with rocket waiting in background

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