Perhaps 20 miles off of Oregon Inlet we passed the
Canopus Leader, a car/truck carrier of unusual design. She is owned by NKL (Nippon Yusen Kaisha) line and registered in Singapore (the flag she flies). It was a clear, calm winter day: March 20, 2010. Her dimensions: 540 foot length, 96 foot beam. Her cargo capacity: 5,340 units. I particularly liked her cut-away bow and how it looked in profile. I'm curious about its advantages in smooth and heavy seas. The obvious design effect is to reduce her length at waterline. Does this reduce friction through the water per foot of cargo length/capacity space, thereby increasing fuel economy? How does she ride in heavy seas: would large rollers tend to push the bow up and out of the water? Fun to speculate about design motives.
Here she is in profile
Here is a good look at her bow
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