A blog created by fishing buddies to chat about their passion
and share their discoveries with like-minded friends
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Hatteras Summer 2011 All Set
Just a quick note: Spoke with Dan today and he relayed that they (Dan, Dina, Emma, Jake) have rented their house in Hatteras Village for first week of August 2011. They are on same street as last year. The Field's have changed residence, now closer to Teach's and only two blocks from the Os. So good to go; we're all set.
To commemorate the "lock-in," here's a picture of the crew from last summer--all tanned and relaxed and loose and easy. Cheers!
A web log (i.e., "blog")(get it?): a shared on-line journal for posting diary entries about personal experiences. In this case: a fishing log, about fishing experiences.
(Note: only very occassionally, posts may discuss "cruising," i.e., boating with no intention of catching.)
"The Crew"
Jim Field Jim is a health care industry guy living in Alexandria, VA. His boat is the Sea Ya Bea, a 35' Cabo Express, homeported at Teach's Lair Marina in Hatteras Village, NC. Jim has 6 years experience deep sea fishing; thus, he knows very little (but is humble and teachable). He did, however, serve 8 years at sea on U.S. submarines.
Jon Kitchen Jon is a Systems Development Project Manager living in Lewes DE. He recently upgraded from a 21' Triumph to a 23' Regulator, which is parked in his drive. He is always ready to travel to the fish. Best Trip of 2009: Watching my wife and daughter hooked up at the same time with their first (legal) yellowfins. Goal for 2010: Watching my son catch his first mako.
Dan Okoniewski Dan, or "Hookem Dano" (used to be that an "r" replaced the "m") works within the Financial Services industry with a focus on Energy, Mining, and Chemical companies. When not pursuing new business opportunities, Dan can be found on one of his two boats. The Aquasition is a 28' Trophy, and a veteran vessel. The brand new Just In Case is a 15' Boston Whaler. Deep, shallow, salt, or fresh water--if it swims, Dan's interested.
Come Onboard
Come join "The Crew"--weekend fishing fanatics Jim, Dan, and Jon--and discover the magic of sportfishing, what drives them to the water, and how, next to the pros, they too often underperform--at least in the moment! But there's alway next time, and the promise of smokin' em on the return. Eternal Optimism--that's what makes the weekend sportfishermen come back. If you don't have it, stay onshore. Only true believers wanted here.
Emeritus Crew:
- Fran (Sr.) holds the rank of "Senior Most Captain in Perpetuity." He is an Emeritus member of The Crew.
- Uncle John is also an Emeritus member of The Crew. We look forward to his return to fishing. (Nudge, John)
The Beauty of Sportfishing
Teach's Lair Marina at dusk
Treasures of the Deep
Surveying the bounty: Dan, Fran (Sr.), Jim
What It's All About
Jim, Dan, and a real nice bigeye tuna
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
Jon's new Regulator on the troll, Hatteras, near The Point
Guests Hosted by The Crew--2010
- Tim Mazol - David Taylor - Austin Taylor (son) - Steve Ebner - Dylan Ebner (son)
- Diane Field - Andrew Field (soon to join Crew) - Ollie Field - Steve Wann - Peter Wann (son) - Maddie Wann (daughter) - Zachary Hoisington - Meghan Okonsky - Dina Okoniewski - Emma Okoniewski - Jake Okoniewski
Admittedly Biased
Members of the The Crew pursue fish in fresh, briney, and salt waters. However, there is a collective bias towards deep, blue water populated by a wide variety of fish: bottom and surface dwellers, small creatures and giants, preditors and prey. In terms of surroundings, there again is a strong preference for big sky, huge expanses, and unbroken 360 degree horizons. While we appreciate the "zen" of fly fishing and the gurgling of meandering streams, we instead seek out machinery and motion--nothing, for example, more divine than twin diesel engines purring along cleanly at 4,500 rpms. You see, the machine facilitiates and distinguishes salt water fishing as unique: man must not only manage the elements and outsmart the fish, he must also make his platform--his sole link to survival--obey and perform. Add in this variable, along with a tempermental and unforgiving ocean, and the "mission" becomes all that more complex and intense. Not sure how tying a fly compares emotionally.
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